Child/Youth Safety and Wellbeing Policy

Statement of Commitment

Ride Technics prioritises the active participation of all children, young people, and their families in our programs. The focus is on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.
Ride Technics is committed to facilitating mountain bike coaching programs that are safe for all children and will not tolerate any kind of abuse or harm, Ride Technics builds safety and risk management planning into all programs.


This Child/Youth Safety and Wellbeing Policy outlines Ride Technics’ commitment to the safety and wellbeing of children and youth who participate in our programs, as well as youth staff members.


This policy applies to all people who conduct work for Ride Technics related to children and young people, or who are connected to Ride Technics in a paid or unpaid capacity. This includes:

  • parents/carers whose children enrol in our programs (by asking and ensuring that they have read and understood this policy)
  • coaches/instructors
  • managers
  • contractors
  • consultants
  • volunteers


    Child/youth means a person involved in the activities of Ride Technics under the age of 18 years unless otherwise stated under the law applicable to the child.

    Child Abuse is the mistreatment of a child or young person that has harmed, is harming or is likely to harm or endanger that child or young person’s physical or emotional health, development or wellbeing and the child has not, or is not likely to be protected by the parent(s) or guardian(s). For the avoidance of doubt, this includes but is not limited to: –

  • Emotional or psychological abuse
  • Bullying
  • Grooming (in person and/or online; can be a lengthy period of time before the abuse begins or perpetrators may draw a child in and abuse them relatively quickly)
  • Sexual Abuse or Exploitation (can include sexual acts; voyeurism; exhibitionism; and exposing the child to or involving the child in pornography and grooming)
  • Neglect
  • Harassment

    Harm is damage to the health, safety or wellbeing of a child or young person, including as a result of child abuse by adults or the conduct of other children. It includes physical, emotional, sexual, and psychological harm. Harm can arise from a single act or event and can also be cumulative, that is, arising as a result of a series of acts or events over a period of time. It is irrelevant how the harm is caused. It can include but is not limited to:

  • Physical, psychological, or emotional abuse or neglect
  • Sexual abuse or exploitation
  • a single act or event
  • a series or combination of acts or events over a period of time

    Discrimination happens when a person, or a group of people, is treated less favourably than another person or group because of their background or certain personal characteristics. This can include but is not limited to:

  • age
  • race, nationality, language, cultural background,
  • sex, gender identity, sexual orientation
  • religion
  • political or other opinion
  • financial situation
  • ability or disability

    Child protection means any responsibility, measure or activity undertaken to safeguard children from harm.

    Cultural Safety is being welcoming and respectful of another person’s culture, including First Nations children and families. This includes:

  • offering and promoting programs that value children, young people and families and their cultural identity, lived experiences, worldviews, and wellbeing
  • empowering children and families within decision-making processes
  • supporting cultural, spiritual, social connections and building trusting relationships
    Concerns refers to any potential issue that could impact negatively on the safety and wellbeing of children.
    Complaints are the expression of dissatisfaction to Ride Technics related to one or more of the following:
  • our services or dealings with an individual
  • allegations of abuse or misconduct by a staff member, a volunteer or another individual associated with Ride Technics
  • disclosures of abuse or harm made by a child or young person
  • the conduct of a child or young person at Ride Technics
  • the inadequate handling of a prior concern
  • general concerns about the safety of a group of children or activity
    Mountain bike specific associations:
  • IMBA: International Mountain Bike Association
  • PMBIA: Professional Mountain Bike Instructor Association

    Children’s empowerment and participation

    Ride Technics views children and youth as active participants and valuable contributors providing them with opportunities to have their voices included. This is done through:

  • Informing children/youth when they commence attending programs about: our expectations; how programs are run; how to provide feedback and what to do if they are not feeling safe or supported.
  • Providing an easy-to-understand complaints information sheet to children about the feedback and complaint process.
  • Introducing or explaining to children who the child safety persons are.
  • Gaining feedback about programs from children/youth, both during sessions and, when possible, in the presence of their parents/carers at the end of sessions. This feedback is taken into consideration for future program planning.
  • Inviting parents/carers to give feedback about our programs via reviews or surveys and encouraging children to be part of this process.
  • Youth staff members are provided the opportunity to include feedback and suggestions for program development as well as any safety and wellbeing issues relating to delivering programs or their staff experience.
  • Obtaining consent from a parent/carer for their child/ren to participate in a program, as well as continuing to receive consent from the child themselves, which includes (yet is not limited to) how they want to participate in the program (what type of riding, what type of trails and what type of obstacles they feel safe to ride) and whether they want to be included in any photographs used for video/photo analysis (to document their riding) and/or to use for promotional purposes.
  • Child’s confidentiality will be maintained when appropriate and they will be given the opportunity to have their parent/carer included in any conversations that raise concerns.

    Family and community focused environment

    Ride Technics understand the importance of community and social building through sport and actively promote this through:

  • Encouraging and supporting friendships and peer support for children. We see the social aspect of children’s participation in groups to be just as beneficial as skill acquisition.
  • Welcoming participation from other family members where possible and appropriate e.g., mother/daughter programs; family social rides.
  • Staff participating in a range of events for all ages, genders, and abilities as part of local and national mountain bike communities.

    Valuing diversity

    Ride Technics welcomes people regardless of age, race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, language, religion, political or other opinion, nationality, cultural background, financial situation, ability, disability, or other characteristics. This is done by:

  • Staff and Volunteers encouraging and supporting children to express their culture and enjoy their cultural rights.
  • Having a zero tolerance for racism and following procedures set out in our code of conduct to respond to any acts of racism or cultural discrimination from staff or participants.
  • Encouraging participation from children regardless of their ability and providing support for individual needs where possible. Parents/carers/supporters are welcomed to communicate any specific needs their child/ren may have to engage and participate in our programs.
  • Offering girls specific programs to create pathways for inclusion and to reduce possible barriers based on gender.
  • Working towards creating teaching aids for children with diverse learning needs to make it easier for them to participate in our programs.
    Creating culturally safe environments for all Aboriginal children and their families
    Ride Technics are committed to their continuous learning and the development of imbedding cultural safety into their programs. As a starting point we are:
  • Providing an Acknowledgement of Country at the commencement of programs and events.
  • Striving to develop partnerships and collaborations with local Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) including Djarra when advocating for the development and use of trail networks used for off road riding.
  • Consulting with families and members of the Aboriginal community to identify opportunities to promote Aboriginal culture and practices in Ride Technics programs.

    Creating online and physical safety for all participants

    Safe riding practices and mountain bike skills development are paramount to every program. All coaches are first aid certified with our senior coaches having remote and wilderness qualifications.

    Staff adhere to Ride Technics’ current risk management policy relevant to mountain biking guiding and safety. As well as being governed by Australian Adventure Activities Standards, PMBIA Code of Conduct and IMBA Rules of the Trail.

    We maintain a coaching ratio of one instructor to six participants which allows us to safely manage our riders, maximize learning time and be able to provide specific individual feedback.

    One-to-one sessions fall into the category of a situation that needs to be ‘safely managed’ as they are outside the boundaries of our Code of Conduct. This could include; driving a child to an event, competition, or to a mountain biking location or undertaking a one-on-one training session. For one-to-one coaching, additional information will be collected when a registration for a child/youth is made. Senior coaches can conduct one-to-one sessions with children/youth upon the discretion of the business.

    To ensure safety when communicating online:

  • Any communication with youth staff members outside of their work hours (via electronic communication), is conducted on platforms which includes their parents/carers as active members.
  • Communication online with child/youth participants is only conducted on platforms where parents/carers are active members.

    Code of Conduct

    Ride Technics has a Code of Conduct, which includes expectations about working with children and youth. Staff and volunteers must always comply with the Code of Conduct. Breaches of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action including termination of a person’s involvement with the organisation.
    All third-party contractors are also expected to abide by the Code of Conduct, and where they are engaging with children will have to sign an agreement to comply with the code, prior to delivering any services.
    Recruiting staff and volunteers
    Ride Technics puts child/youth safety and wellbeing at the centre of recruiting and screening staff and volunteers. Predominantly staff are part of a mentorship program as well as from the local mountain bicycle community. All staff are employed based on their ability to obtain the required certification to conduct mountain bike skills sessions (PMBIA) as well as what they have demonstrated from being a part of the local mountain bike community (social rides; rider development programs). All recruits are given a position description which outlines role requirements and expectations.

  • All employees must hold a valid working with children check.
  • All employees must have two current referees.
  • Working with Children checks are recorded, including their expiry date so that employees can have updated and current checks.
    Ensuring staff are suitable and supported
    Staff and volunteers are provided child/youth safety and wellbeing focused support through:
  • Regular, ad-hoc and organised supervision / debrief meetings with Managers, to discuss challenges, coaching experiences, risk management and concerns. This includes verbal conversation, email / coaching platforms for post session follow up.
  • Youth staff members working alongside senior staff can debrief in person or via chat groups which their parents/carers are included in.
  • Staff are encouraged to continue ongoing coach development, including instructor traits and further training e.g., providing mountain bike skills programs to children.
  • Information is provided to staff and volunteers so they understand the rights of children, are skilled at engaging with children and helping them participate in decision-making and can recognise and act on the signs of child abuse and harm.
  • As part of the induction process staff and volunteers are to complete training on Child Safe Standards. Employee Handbooks include information about child safety and wellbeing responsibilities, the organisation’s child safety and wellbeing policies and procedures, external reporting obligations (such as mandatory reporting), the Code of Conduct, the complaints process, information sharing and record keeping.

    Concerns, Complaints and reporting

    All reports of child abuse and child safety concerns will be treated seriously, whether they are made by an adult or a child and whether they are about the conduct of an adult or a child. All complaints and child safety concerns will be responded to promptly and thoroughly.
    Ride Technics has a complaint handling policy that includes information for staff and volunteers about how a complaint or child safety concern will be responded to. An easy-to-understand complaints information sheet will be provided for children, families, and the community to know about the complaint process and the support available to those making a complaint and those involved in the complaint process.
    If a complaint includes an allegation or incident of child abuse or harm, then staff and volunteers at Ride Technics must report it in accordance with the complaint handling policy. Ride Technics staff and volunteers are required to prioritise children’s safety in any response and to report all potentially criminal conduct to State Police. Under the complaint handling and disciplinary policies, staff and volunteers may be subject to actions to support child safety including:

  • being stood down during an investigation or terminated following an investigation.
  • having their duties altered so they do not engage with children at Ride Technics
  • not allowing unsupervised contact with children at Ride Technics
  • removing their access to the Ride Technics system
    Complaints can be emailed to or you can speak with a Child Safety Person.
    If there is concern for the immediate safety of a child, immediately call 000.
    Record keeping
    Ride Technics is committed to making and keeping full and accurate records about all child-related complaints or safety concerns.
    All child safety complaints, concerns, incidents and near misses will be recorded in the incident reporting system.
    Records which may assist with the investigation of a complaint or safety concern will be identified and kept as part of the record of an investigation. Records will be kept even if an investigation does not substantiate a complaint.
    We will record and keep the outcome of any investigations, and the resolution of any complaints. This includes findings made, reasons for decisions and actions taken.
    Records will be stored securely and kept by Ride Technics for at least 45 years.

    Information sharing

    Ride Technics may share relevant information to promote the safety and wellbeing of children, where it is appropriate and in their best interests. Ride Technics will keep information about complaints confidential, except where it is necessary to share information to respond properly to a complaint or to prioritise child safety. We may also need to share information about incidents or complaints with external authorities to comply with the law or to prioritise safety. More information is available in our complaint handling policy.
    Relevant legislation and standards:

  • Child Safe Standards (Commission for Children & Young People)
  • United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 (Vic)
  • Working with Children Checks
  • Reportable Conduct Scheme
  • eSafety Guide for Young People

    Related policies and procedures

  • Ride Technics Code of Conduct
  • Ride Technics Privacy Policy
  • Ride Technics Terms & Conditions
  • Ride Technics Complaint Handling Policy
  • Form – Confidential Record of Child Safe Concern

    Policy status and review

    Please direct all enquiries related to information and assistance of this policy and in the event of identifying breaches to the policy to our main contact centre.