Ride Technics 4-man take out 6+6 in Canberra

Mountain bike team skills

Team Ride Technics hit up their first race on the weekend – the Scott 24 hour 6+6 – taking out the overall as well as the 4-person team category. With none of the guys having any race fitness at the moment their focus was relying on technique, efficiency and ‘race smarts’ to keep speed high without burning energy. It clearly worked and everyone had a blast while they were at it.

Well done to Canberra Off-Road Cyclists for running an amazing event!

Mountain bike team skills

Vinny Robinson
Vinny Robinson
Matt McAuliffe
Matt McAuliffe – Photo: sportograf.com
Rowan Beggs-French - Photo: www.rowanbeggsfrench.com
Rowan Beggs-French
Dylan Cooper
Dylan Cooper – Photo: Brett Clark – https://www.facebook.com/beedeecee